Fulfill a Need = Sell a Great Product

One of our clients, Ginny Cox, saw a strong need in her tool industry when she realized that no tools are built for a woman’s hand.

Envisioning all women feeling strong, capable and independent, Ginny Cox began “Seriously Pink”: A line of tools machined for women.

“If you are given the correct tools in any job that you’re trying to get done, you’re going to feel more confident,” says Ginny.

The Seriously Pink Tool Kits are smartly packaged, pampering each woman who makes a purchase by blending tough with pretty. An experienced, trouble-shooting team stands behind every Seriously Pink product.

BENT Digital Media took the time to chat with Ginny and get the latest on this exciting line expected to hit Wal-Mart and other retailers:

Why Pink?

To me, the Hot Pink is sexy. It means I can be a woman and still be effective; be strong and do things on my own.

How do you feel about your boyfriend borrowing your pink tools?

He does, but he does not want anybody to know that. He’s very macho!

Why tools?

I am the eldest of three (myself, my sister and my brother). In my household, my dad fixed everything himself. Being the oldest, I was always enlisted. He was a woman’s “libber” and he always [said], “You are a woman and that makes no difference. You are capable of doing anything. You just have to try”.

I have removed tiles, put tiles up, done caulking, removed flooring, laid flooring.

What has been your challenge with working with tools over these decades?

The size and the weight. Especially as you get older, you get aches and pains. Now I have carpel tunnel syndrome in my hands. I can’t hold a big heavy drill. I can’t hold big, heavy tools and my hands don’t fit in them. It makes you feel incapable.