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So a Logo walks into a bar and says…
Based on colour alone, it takes only 90 seconds for the consumer to make a subconscious decision about a product. Your logo’s colour has a lot to say in that minute and a half!
Who knew a logo’s colour could say so much? Neuroscientist, Bevil Conway, believes the science behind processing colour is very powerful and can make a huge impact in the marketplace.
So what is your logo saying?
RED: Associated with heat, sun, fire. High-arousal colour. Stimulates people to take risks. May arouse feelings of energy, passion, love.
YELLOW: Associated with heat, sun, fire. Stimulates feelings of optimism, hope.
BLUE: Associated with coolness, sea, sky. Stimulates feelings of trust, security, calm, order.
ORANGE: Associated with heat, sun, fire. Stimulates feelings of balance, warmth, energy.
GREEN: Associated with the coolness of nature. Stimulates feelings of health, prosperity, good luck and balance within the world.
PURPLE: Associated with low-arousal. Stimulates feelings of mystery, royalty and spirituality.
A logo walks into a bar and says…everything you want it to say.
The Path
I am blown away at the number of my Toronto peeps who are completely unaware of The Path Underground system. Most people think this subterranean sidewalk exists only in pieces.
However!! Did you know that this fully connected 30-km tunnel is continuous and deemed by Guinness World Records as the largest indoor mall in the WORLD?!
That’s right. Its marble decor and pristine shops, bakeries, boutiques, clinics, banks, cafes and restaurants make it a city in itself. You can walk from Queens Quay all the way to Dundas and Bay! It connects us to the ACC, CN tower, Rogers Centre and more. How awesome that we can still be active and continuously walk indoors during Canada’s horrific, winter months.
Thanks, Timothy Eaton, for constructing the first part of this tunnel under James St. in 1900. From there, others have connected, added on and continued this amazing system iconic to Toronto.
With other cities now using The Path as a model to plan their own future systems, it’s amazing to me that this is still an unknown feature to the locals who live in the city — right under their own feet.
Is Your Email Signature Annoying?
Are you annoying everyone with your email signature?
Today, it’s very easy to shnazz it up by adding social media tags, awards won, inspirational quotes, photos, phone numbers, addresses, head shots, twitter handles, educational degrees, instagram accounts…phew!!
Without a little self-control, your signature could be just as irritating as that person at a party who talks non-stop about their overachieving kids.
So what is one to do?
I’ll give you the same advice I gave that guy at the party: Cut it short.
Did you know in the first 6 seconds of an email, someone looks at colour first? So your media badges do double-duty in this instance, but choose wisely. Adding a coloured logo with those badges, plus a photo or thumbnail is too much. Bring down the bling! People find it hard to remember more than one thing.
With email’s 3-second opportunities to show people your brand and what you represent, it’s important to highlight one key item: A clickable thumbnail that promotes a call to action or an award that makes you stand out.
As for those inspirational quotes, be sure that it builds your brand’s identity. Adding it just to add it, people typically don’t believe it. Match it well to your corporate persona.
A Good Thing Happened on My Way to Monday
Mondays are tough. March Mondays, however? I’m finding them super tough. Even research shows the average Monday worker doesn’t smile until 11:16am. So I guess I’m not the only one.
This morning in particular, I did not want to endure my regular workout routine before work. However, I dragged myself on the spin bike, threw on a somewhat entertaining documentary and went at it for an hour. I mixed up some hard interval training, cursed, did some backwards spinning, cursed some more and even tacked on a couple more minutes after the timer.
Then I stepped into this dreaded, March Monday. Yet, now I felt pretty darn good. Really good that my workout was over, but also really great about the day and the tasks that lay before me. What a day-changer one decision can bring.
I guess I just need this reminder that when we feel low and need that extra push, we have to gift that to ourselves; give ourselves that extra dose of adrenaline that helps us meet our best selves on the other side of determination, whatever that may be for each of us.
When Old is New
Just because something seemingly transitions into the abyss of becoming obsolete does not necessarily mean its ultimate demise. Granted, coming up with new and exciting marketing ideas is exhilarating and abandoning an old idea is sometimes the best means of approach.
However, sometimes something old can become something new. And with the resolve of using what we have to work with, we breed ideas that give life to words like funky, distinct and dynamic to describe them.
Thinking outside the box is just what the city of London did when they had less use for their traditional and internationally known red telephone booths. With the death of the hard-wired phone comes the death of these cultural UK icons, right? No! Painting them black and turning them into wifi hotspots breathes new life into something aged and honoured.
Even though a few red telephone booths still adorn the streets of London, so now does their cousin, the black wifi booths.
Job Done.
Christmas in the City
I know a lot of us find it hard to trudge through the city’s slush and snow as we pound the pavement in between meetings. However, I will be that annoying person who enjoys this time of year.
The pre-holiday decorations that adorn the storefronts and city centres does make one’s daily missions more enjoyable.
As I traipsed through the Royal York a little while ago, I couldn’t help but admire the patience of Jeff Van Winden, the local Lego builder who recreated this historical building with over 20,000 pieces. Once the tallest in Toronto, it’s amazing how modern times have now enveloped the Royal York’s architecture.
It’s a busy time of year, but I do appreciate the chance to stop and smell the “Lego” and appreciate the little things that surround us during the daily grind of the city. There are a lot of people at work who make Toronto the awesome and explorable world that it is.
Wishing all of you the best during this festive time of year!
Are We in Training Without Knowing it?
There’s this hill in the forest I like to climb. No. Hate to climb. I hop on my mountain bike and am compelled to tackle this horrible, steep incline that leaves my legs and lungs burning. It’s known as The Wall of Pain.
Properly named, absolutely.
On one particular day, I asked myself the question while I pedalled my little heart out on my way to the top.
Why do I do this? Why do I put myself through this excruciating agony? Worse, on days where I don’t find the strength or a root knocks me off my line, I put myself through a mental berating and suffer the grotesque defeat from The Wall. It sits heavy on me all day.
So why, time and again, do I turn onto this nasty trek of dirt? The only answer I could come up with is this: Because it’s there.
I don’t expect everyone to get this frame of thinking, because I don’t quite understand it myself.
However, I do know this. When I’ve given in and refused to push through, the feeling of failure trumps any relief my muscles enjoy when I quit.
I get this instinctive sense that The Wall is training me for something greater in life, where I’m being taught that, through the crappiest of times, it gets better on the other side — to stay with it, even if the goal is beyond my comprehension. I wonder what it is.
So when I’m at that mental crossroad and I want off, I push and burn and gasp and I keep going, because The Wall has shown me that failure feels worse than pain. When I reach the top, there’s nothing like it. It’s…euphoric. Maybe the answer to ‘why’ is, because I can.
Does everyone have something they do that drives them, but they don’t quite understand why? Are we all in training without knowing it — all these hobbies and initiatives that drive us, yet don’t seem to serve an obvious purpose?
I’m okay if there’s no real answer to that question. For now, I’ll just keep climbing. The Wall has a lot to say.
I’m listening as best I can.
Five 2017 Slang Words You Want to Know
Staying current with some of today’s terms is an interesting challenge, especially if you don’t game or hang at the mall in your spare time.
So I’ve defined five words that I’ve overheard (and probably could never pull off, if I ever chose to use them):
Savage: When you’ve done something bad-ass. Brutal, but awesome. (Okay, maybe I could pull this one off. I’ve done things that are totally savage).
One Hundo: A short form of the term “100 per cent”.
Goat: An acronym for greatest of all time.
Extra: A negative description for someone who is trying too hard or going over the top.
Low-Key: When you’re loving something, but are keeping it on the down-low. You’re low-key loving this country song.
Hope you found this post on fleek. ????
A Fresh Coat of Paint
As life demands it of us, we have to take care of things. Such as taking an old and cherished thing and giving it a fresh coat of paint even if your heart isn’t ready to.
For instance, we have this old porch that wraps around the front of our house. In fact, it was this porch that sold us on this place 17 years ago.
It’s worn and growing older, just like me and my husband. It has endured the knees of chubby toddlers learning to crawl, the worried paces of a mother settling a baby with croup in the crisp, night air. It’s suffered scars from skateboards and roller blades, skipping ropes and wrestling teenagers.
If I close my eyes, I can hear the sounds that live inside those memories, all performed atop these wooden boards that became our makeshift stage for life: The advice doled out to tear-stained cheeks, the arguments preceding slammed doors, dropped ice cream cones and the exuberant dog that cleaned up after them, thunderstorms clapping for giggling bundles in patchwork quilts. Every one of those moments, I can hear. All at once, it’s a hurtful, beautiful symphony.
But it’s in disrepair, so we took care of it. We rolled a fresh coat of brilliant white right over all those years.
I bet this porch wonders where those little feet went off to in such a hurry, yet it still promises life: A husband and wife rocking in its chairs as they plan travel adventures and serve drinks to lifelong friends, the porch swing lulling us into the pages of good books, the laughter as we remember and celebrate our journey so far, the love this porch will feel when grown kids come to visit.
It does look perfect, this gleaming unweathered version and it seems ready to endure new memories. I think we might be ready too; ready for a future that holds stories untold, exciting landscapes and unexplored horizons.
So change is good. New is good. Perhaps we are ready to take that step into the great beyond where no little ones are trailing us. This newly painted porch is inspiring change, urging us to take on the dreams we’ve been planning through the years and it sure does give a nice shine.
But if we look closely, there are still dents and scrapes the paint just couldn’t fill and I know that underneath this pristine coat of new beginnings, our porch is still the same wonderfully, scarred surface.
And that’s good too.
The Botched Logo
Can anyone see what’s wrong with this logo? Using a seasoned designer can avoid marketing mishaps such as this.
Changing Your Audience
When you know your audience, you can target a marketing campaign perfectly. So when a summer camp wanted to take advantage of warm days despite the back-to-school call-back for their junior clientele, they switched their direction.
Appealing to an audience of active adults, they marketed “Camp Yoga” for adults who could choose from an array of activities, sign up for electives and experience an adult version of a weekend, summer camp.
I partook in this venture recently and it was a really cool experience. Camping inside a bunker, waking up for sunrise canoe rides and experiencing an array of bootcamp, high ropes and yoga classes, I decided this place spoke to my inner-child that never got to experience camp.
With post workout campfires and a Hawaiin-themed dance party, Camp Yoga is a brilliant example of switching up the ‘norm’ and thinking outside the box of regimented business models. They extended their season while advertising to an entirely new clientele, such as myself, who slept a total of 9 hours in three days because this camper stayed up way passed her bedtime.
Take – Away: Think Outside the Box and Direct Marketing Energies to a Whole New Arena
Who Knew Speeding Could Actually be a Good Thing?
As a person who loves getting things done quickly, I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to Lab Sense Ice Cream in Toronto.

retrieving liquid nitrogen from the main container
The quicker you freeze cream, the fresher it tastes. By using liquid nitrogen, Lab Sense safely flash freezes their product, creating fewer ice crystals, which means a smoother and creamier result than any other ice cream.
Also, it looks super cool! However, don’t eat it fast. They still haven’t found the cure for brain freeze.

after mixing cream and other ingredients with the nitrogen
Big Sur, Ragged Point Inn
The best moments are the ones unplanned.
We discovered this piece of paradise on our way to Napa Valley for a magazine project.
Spring Has Sprung
This is our Art Director, Jeremy Green, visiting our client’s showroom. It sure put a spring in his step to be around all those fast and furious toys.
However, Jeremy, you are there for Suzuki’s next exciting marketing initiatives, not to test these beauties out! It’s looking like an adventurous 2017 for Suzuki Canada.
Should I Consider Podcasts?
A Podcast is an audio file for download via computer or mobile device. New episodes can be received by subscribers automatically.
A podcast is a fantastic way to personally connect to your consumers. If you’re new to the concept, think of it as a radio show that you never miss since you listen when you choose. No wonder millions are tuning in to these modern day “radio shows”.
Here are 8 reasons why Podcasts work and why you should consider producing your own:
1. You control the content
Podcasts attract listeners who are asking to hear what you have to say. This gives you a large amount of time to connect, speak volumes and deliver information the way you choose.
2. Personally connect with your audience
This is your chance to be creative as opposed to the corporate limits of brochures and websites. Layer your delivery with exciting events, upcoming trends, interviews and worldly connections.
3. Travel with your consumer
Podcasts are on the move with your client. If they have a means of listening to music, whether it be their computer, smartphone or MP3 player, they have the means of listening to you.
4. Cost effective
Podcasts are all about audio. The listener expects no bells and whistles…just simple conversation (what talk radio has been to us for years). Podcasts typically steer clear of music (copyright issues) and video.
5. Staying current
Outputting podcasts and making them available on your website is a great way to keep your image fresh, modern and current without the cost of revamping other costly marketing tools.
6. Time is on your side
Unlike most marketing strategies (commercials, video, brochures) where you want to keep content to a minimum, podcasts are the opposite. Your listener has invited you in and wants to enjoy the conversation while commuting to and from work or taking a break in their day. A typical podcast can run well over an hour. Because your listener is connecting to you on their time, they’re welcoming you into their lives. You have the mic!
7. If you had your own show…
Wait. You do! It’s your show. Enjoy the limelight. Discuss, inform, entertain and enjoy the banter with celebrity speakers and consumer end-users.
8. Advertising
Advertisers will want a piece of the action on your show — a source of revenue if that’s the way you want to go, but be warned: Keep the ads relevant to your show or your listeners will tune out.
You can become self sufficient in developing your own podcasts. Consulting with a marketing media company to get started is a good idea. Keep your show of high caliber by professionally producing a one-time intro / extro segment that can sandwich each podcast.
A.D.D Marketing
How does one introduce themselves in a corporate society where your audience has 2.7 minutes of spare time between tasks?
When I think back to when I first got into corporate media , I am amazed at how the marketing mission has evolved.
Time with a client through video was a true wonder. Customers were thrilled to be entertained through a 1-hour video in a sales world riddled with business cards and folded brochures (sort of like in high school when the teacher broke out a movie in class. Who cared if it was just a film about stick bugs getting it on?).
But throw on a 1-hour video in front of a perspective client these days and you’ll lose them in the first few seconds. No one has the time, let alone the attention span.
Yet, you have to have some form of moving media today or you’re not grabbing a client’s attention. So I’ve formed this helpful list in dealing with our A.D.D Corporate Society:
- Video: watch the run time. Stick around the 2 minute mark OR LESS.
- Video: use subtitles. People scrolling through social media sites may not be able to use volume at their desks. Subtitles also catch the eye in a scrolling feed.
- Printed materials: keep the text to a minimum. People don’t read anything that looks like a commitment.
- If you have to convey a lot of information, do so in a secondary media piece: a data stick, a website, a booklet (once you have them asking for more).
- Consider moveable images such as animated “cinemagraphs” on websites, static pages, etc. You’re competing visually, not just productively.
- Entertain. The internet offers freebies all the time: information, amusement, images. If you’re putting your media out there, make it worth the client’s while in a visually stimulating way.
- Ephemeral Content: As in short-lived media content that is transitory. Instead of a long video, break up the same marketing budget into many 15-second videos, uploading them in intervals to stay current.
Side Note: Stick Bugs have sex for 2 months straight. How’s that for attention span!
February Freedom
I’ve noticed a very recent shift in the corporate current these last few days. When meeting clients, suppliers and tradeshow attendees, I can see that everyone’s February is showing.
Yep. Everyone is starting to feel the effects of this cold, winter month. Even those who do their best at not giving in to the grey skies, their gumption lately is definitely less, well, ‘gumpy’.
Typical of every Canadian, we are feeling the weight of the snow (both its figurative and literal meaning). However, I like to see February as a Freedom month rather than a Funk month. February gives us the excuse to give ourselves a break; reach out of our normal routines and grab the parts of life that can pick us up.
For those of us who aren’t travelling this winter, I urge that we switch things up and build on those weekend calendar spots; give ourselves permission to be a little radical. It’s amazing how even the smallest of plans can put the energy back in our stride:
-Swim in a pool. Just the act of strapping on your unearthed swimsuit from August somehow feeds your brain great memories of warmer times. Not only is it a low-impact cardio workout, but swimming also stretches and builds your muscles. Throw in a post-workout sauna or hot tub and you’ll feel the great effects of this February mood kicker. Swimming on a weekly basis will help keep your spirits high all month. And the after-effects of this adrenaline-induced activity stays with you all day long.
-Take on a home project. Brightening a room or item in the house is a great way to get the summer embers in your heart aflame. A mosaic craft project or painting something in bright colours is a total mood changer.
-Count on your friends. Gather them around the fireplace, bar or living room for casual conversation and laughs. Throw on an adventure documentary or sports game in the background or break out the board games. Feed the conversation with trivia cards and creative appetizers.
When February comes, take it on as the month of ‘fabulous’. Owe it your time as though it’s your work’s sponsored event and your mood is the guest. If February can be the month that engages us to live more for ourselves than our routines, we may just find ourselves naming it our favourite time of the winter.
Now I’m off to pack my swim bag for a few laps tomorrow morning, email some friends about dinner this weekend and go through some paint chips to tackle some walls tomorrow evening after work.
February doesn’t have to be our enemy — even if we have to tackle it to the ground and demand that it submit to our creative and dazzling survival needs.
Mood Lighting
When shooting video, our clients always seem surprised at the amount of equipment and detail required when it comes to lighting a room.
As we set up camp at a location, we commit to creating just the right mood and hue in order to capture the perfect balance. Brightness is only the beginning.
We don’t like boring our clients with the intricacies involved in getting them to look their best on camera. Just because it’s our love and obsession, doesn’t mean we have to bore them with back lighting, key lighting, three-point lighting, fill lighting, natural lighting, contrast, colours, softboxes, popcorn shrimp, fried shrimp, Bubba Gump shrimp..Oh, whoops! I lost my point there for a second.
So, yeah! Lighting. It’s vital in getting just the right image. Pretty crucial, actually. So when we invade your board room, warehouse, or pretty much any location, we will come prepared so you look your best.
Don’t count on any shrimp, though.
The Birth of an Idea
It can start with just a flicker. A dim glow in a dark room. The growing of an idea.
Depending on how you feed it, it can consume your thoughts and take on a life of its own. Or you can turn away from its beginnings and let it fade.
However, following an idea can awaken many other projects and goals. So perhaps the birth of the idea is just a small factor in something bigger altogether.
Either way, it’s right to hone in on these early creativities to see exactly what lingers there.
The birth of an idea can remain just that: an idea. Or the unearthing of something altogether different and adventurous.
Either way, pay attention to it. It’s trying to get your attention for a reason.
Maple Peameal Bacon
It’s a busy week at the office so thought I would post a quick way to prepare dinner.
A five-star favourite in our house and so simple. What working person doesn’t love a crockpot?
Maple Peameal Bacon
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 tbsp. yellow mustard
1 whole peameal roast (not sliced)
Mix syrup and mustard together and set aside. Spray crock-pot with olive oil and place roast inside. Pour syrup and mustard over top of roast and cook on low setting for at least five hours. I usually do mine for 8-9.
Once done, take two forks and shred the meat; letting it mix in with the juices from the crock-pot. If you didn’t have as long a cooking time and find it hard to shred, just carve it in slices. Serve on kaiser buns or on its own. Great with tender sweet peas on the side.
Dumbing Down
We are being told that our techno-social devices are dumbing us down.
Never before in history have we, as modern-corporate humans, had to battle interruptions while working as much as we do today. And yet, never before have we had this gift of multifaceted communication lines to essential connections.
When we respond to texts, tweets and Facebook notifications, our brain power takes a hit and functions *20% less efficiently than if uninterrupted.
They say it takes about *25 minutes for our brain to return to its original task after we submit to our handhelds.
This isn’t really news to us though, is it? We know and feel every distraction that meets us head on as we plow down the road to fruition.
Constantly hearing about how detrimental this is for our productivity is, quite honestly, getting trite. Today’s Voice of Reason is turning into, quite bluntly, a nag.
We do hear you. We get it: Our mission to stay on task is constantly under attack. Even now, as I type this, I am ignoring an incoming text. My mind is busy acknowledging its call to action; my thoughts pulling away from writing to you beautiful, big-brained people.
But hold on, Voice of Reason. Aren’t we adaptable? Aren’t us humans known to configure ourselves and our functionality to our environment? Aren’t we ever-evolving in a world that continues to do the same? Case in point: We are definitely less hairy and tail-less these days.
In a recent *study where they focused on interruptions within three study groups (one with no interruptions, one with interruptions and one who were warned of interruptions that never came), reality looks promising.
At first, yes, the interrupted group performed less than the uninterrupted group, but over time the gap closed.
In the study group that was warned of interruptions that never came, members improved by a colossal 43 percent, even outperforming the controlled group who experienced no interruptions.
In other words, participants learned and their brains adapted.
So: We are capable of improving and dealing with it.
Dumbing Down? No. I think we’re growing, adapting and evolving into beings that are communicating in more ways than ever before.
Thankfully, without full body hair and tails.
*stats pulled from the University of California, Irvine
Inspire Your Work Ethic
The debate continues around the water cooler: Is “Work Ethic” derived from nature or nurture?
Whatever the answer, I do know that everyone experiences highs and lows when it comes to our jobs, passions and ambitions.
Inspired work ethic breaks slumps and gives our dreams the vehicle that takes them to great heights.
My husband always jokes that when we’re out for a power walk together, without realizing it, I quicken my pace when I talk about work; eager to get back to my desk and give the same forward motion to new ideas and projects.
In other moments, I feel drained from the computer screen. Nothing can make me put myself in front of the keyboard at times, which really stalls my creative juices. My inbox looms, grows heavier, demanding my attention.
So where can we look for inspiration when we’re not feeling in the zone?
It’s hard to complain about work when earth’s industrious creatures never slack off. From the beaver who, despite its size, takes down the tallest of trees and continues to gnaw the trunks into sections, to the spider who is forever spinning after each storm or external force that destroys their artful architecture.
“Every time you stay out late; every time you sleep in; every time you miss a workout; every time you don’t give 100% – You make it that much easier for me to beat you.” -unknown
Nothing makes me want to dig in more than being encouraged by the hard work of someone I admire, who puts everything into what they love to do.
Whether it’s bred through nature or nurture, work ethic can never be completely silenced, whispering to us at times, but always present. It pokes at us in multiple moments; whether you’re a beaver, spider or homosapien.
Nature demands it of us all.
Seriously Pink
Fulfill a Need = Sell a Great Product
One of our clients, Ginny Cox, saw a strong need in her tool industry when she realized that no tools are built for a woman’s hand.
Envisioning all women feeling strong, capable and independent, Ginny Cox began “Seriously Pink”: A line of tools machined for women.
“If you are given the correct tools in any job that you’re trying to get done, you’re going to feel more confident,” says Ginny.
The Seriously Pink Tool Kits are smartly packaged, pampering each woman who makes a purchase by blending tough with pretty. An experienced, trouble-shooting team stands behind every Seriously Pink product.
BENT Digital Media took the time to chat with Ginny and get the latest on this exciting line expected to hit Wal-Mart and other retailers:
Why Pink?
To me, the Hot Pink is sexy. It means I can be a woman and still be effective; be strong and do things on my own.
How do you feel about your boyfriend borrowing your pink tools?
He does, but he does not want anybody to know that. He’s very macho!
Why tools?
I am the eldest of three (myself, my sister and my brother). In my household, my dad fixed everything himself. Being the oldest, I was always enlisted. He was a woman’s “libber” and he always [said], “You are a woman and that makes no difference. You are capable of doing anything. You just have to try”.
I have removed tiles, put tiles up, done caulking, removed flooring, laid flooring.
What has been your challenge with working with tools over these decades?
The size and the weight. Especially as you get older, you get aches and pains. Now I have carpel tunnel syndrome in my hands. I can’t hold a big heavy drill. I can’t hold big, heavy tools and my hands don’t fit in them. It makes you feel incapable.
Dockside Delivery
While in Muskoka, Ontario for a conference, I noticed how a local publication delivered to its consumers: by boat.
Because their reader is typically relaxing dockside up in cottage country, this advertising magazine has found a direct line to its audience and avoids being an easy passover in a mountain of mail.
Knowing your customer and finding ways to introduce your product while they’re in the right mindset is great marketing insight.
Working Out the Bugs
This morning, while out for a mountain bike ride, I ate a bug. Rather, he flew into my mouth while I was on a fast descent.
It was a big bug. I’m hoping a fly. I don’t know why, but I want to believe that. No logic being used here.
It buzzed around inside my throat while I guzzled water, hoping to drown it before it continued its own single track adventure toward my digestive tract.
As in life, we get unpredictable stuff thrown our way (or down our throats) and we have to work around these situations. It’s important to remember the value in these moments. Unplanned events can come with the most unexpected gifts.
My bug? If it really were a fly, it beats out ants, bees, crickets and beetles in protein content. So if I were to have to eat a bug, a fly is a good way to go. My protein shot for the day.
An unexpected nutrition boost whilst cycling. Life is good.
Well, maybe not for the fly.
Video Bandwagoning
“Companies looking to stay competitive in their market space, win new business and attract employees need to embrace video,” says entrepreneur, professor and marketing executive David Gerzof Richard.
Even though high quality video, sound and lighting equipment is costly for a company , the services are not. Uploading pro-level content rather than generic phone uploads makes a company look great in today’s overcrowded, handheld market.
Jumping on the video bandwagon is easier than it’s ever been. For instance, our studio offers various budgets that get our clients pro footage, upping their content value across social media platforms.
So, yes, there’s more video content out there than ever before, but putting your pro quality content beside your competition’s phone uploads has never been easier.
“If you run pro video in today’s market, you’re going to stand out. Absolutely,” says Jeremy Green, our Media Director here at BENT Digital Media.
Old Flame History
BENT Digital Media had the privilege of recently shooting video at the Old Flame Brewing Co. just north east of Toronto.
The history behind this building is incredible, with charred wooden beams that still showcase the fire that raged through the old carriage house in the 1800’s.
With their craft lagers sweeping awards across the country and now available at the LCBO, it is a great pleasure to be a part of their marketing team.

Yes, that’s one of our cameras inside a beer pitcher.

BENT Digital getting a shot from behind the bar

Look up and you’ll see the burned timbers of the building’s 1800’s fire
I encountered this very clever idea while lunching at the Amsterdam Brewhouse at Toronto’s waterfront.
With customers lined up outside and requesting indoor seating, space inside the restaurant was limited.
How clever of the brewhouse to offer cozy blankets, branded with their logo, to customers hesitant about sitting on the patio due to chilly winds.
Not only does it make the customer feel cared for and catered to, but it also increases the restaurant’s seating in cooler weather.
Bravo, Amsterdam Brewhouse. We cozy up to this keen marketing idea.
3 Free Things To Do in Toronto
I hit the sidewalk this week, hunting for creative inspiration.
It didn’t take long to be bedazzled by the wonderfully energetic people who give us passers-by our cultural fixes and samples of their talents. That brings me to share:
My Top 3 FREE Things To Do in Toronto. Enjoy!
1. Ireland Park Potato Famine Memorial
I happened along this park without prior knowledge of its existence. The realistic depiction of these Irish immigrants seeking refuge due to horrific circumstances was soul-stirring to say the least. Nestled on a quiet corner at Toronto’s waterfront, it gives one great opportunity to pause and reflect on an event that changed this city forever.
Directions: Stroll along the lake and walk west toward the Canada Malting Silos. On the east side of the silos, you will find the park.
2. CBC Museum
While walking down Front St. (near John), it’s worth your while to pop into the CBC Museum on the building’s main floor. Props and stories from childhood shows such as Mr. Dressup and The Friendly Giant conjure up some sweet memories for those who grew up alongside these programs. It’s a very surreal experience to stand underneath Casey and Finnegan’s treehouse and peer into the famous tickle trunk.
3. Steam Whistle Brewing Co.
Situated on the historic site of the CN Railway’s roundhouse (built in 1929), one can belly up to the Steam Whistle brewhouse bar and take in a free sample of their premium Pilsner Lager. Splurge on a brewery tour for only $10 or enjoy post-sample suds on their patio amid these iconic surroundings.
So there you have it. History, culture, waterfront walks and thirst-quenching suds at the end of the day. All for less than the lint in your pocket.
What did I miss? Would love to hear your free faves.
Mango Radio Salad, Please
There’s something very cool happening in the market right now.
Never before have I seen two or more completely unrelated ideas merge into the same creative space the way I have in the last couple years.
- Microbreweries are holding yoga classes.
- Hair stylists are coiffing do’s in tea shops.
- Concert halls are roasting marshmallows (yes, you can toast a marshie with the band)
As the VP of a media company, this barrier-breaking synthesis gets me pumped! I mean, think about it: we come from a history where you dared not show up for work in a dress suit. The onset of casual Fridays was so ground-breaking, people took issue. Jeans to work?! Get it together, people!! There is work to be done! Slacker!
People are blurring lines, thinking outside the cubicle and, most importantly, having fun at work. And where there’s fun, there’s creative energy. And where there’s creative energy, there’s contagious success.
Marketing does not have to be linear. It can be a little bit of crazy with a side of chipotle mayo.
I say, synch with the multifarious blend of ideas and see where it leads you. Go ahead, drink it in.
No. Scratch that.
Sculpt it, break it, throw it in a blender, turn it upside down, stick a straw in it and paint it with apple sauce.
And have fun doing it. Success will follow.
We all carry one.
Depending on our perspective, an outcome can leave us feeling disappointed or satisfied when reality presents itself.
Example: I ordered pancakes the other day at a trendy restaurant. Special treat. Was told this place was “pancake heaven” by many close and trusted colleagues.
My Perspective: World’s Best Pancakes.
Reality: Management had recently changed, unbeknownst to me. They presented many exciting flavours and fusions, but no pancakes.
Result: Disappointment
Having a relationship with ambition and the real world is a balance with which we all struggle.
When you are in the market, whether in business or in life, it’s important to consider a key ingredient to success: change. Because it alters from your original perception, don’t fear the newly revealed path.
Instead of holding on to old ideas (aka pancakes), contemplate the new (rosemary-infused eggs benedict?! Yes, please!).
When working with clients, I find the most successful marketing campaigns come from a place of open-spaced, creative thought. Forcing an idea on its original path could take your goals away from lucrative, unimaginable places.
Perspective. We all have one. But we need to have many.